Money can’t buy

Money can buy you porn to fulfill your sexual void,
But not love your spouse to cherish and to hold.
Money can buy you followers to stay for a day,
But not loyalty where friends are joyous to stay with you to play.
Money can buy you a ticket to go to an amusement park to experience the thrills,
But not peace to calm your personal ills.
Money can buy you the spotlight,
But not respect where you earn the right.

Money can buy you a ticket to see a comedy show,
But not joy where you can bestow.
Money can buy you a magazine where you look at women that are beautiful,
But not inner beauty where you can look fruitful.
Money can buy you a ticket to be on the voice to show out your musical ability,
But not talent where you show your capability.
Money can buy you a house where you can put furniture to roam,
But not a home where you call it your own.

Money can buy you a cell phone to call,
But not family to be with you through it all.
Money can buy you a subscription to watch Netflix,
But not to wisdom to deal with the tricks.
Money can buy a gym membership,
But not strength to go through the hardship.
Money can buy you clothes,
But not confidence that gives you a chance to grow.

Money can buy you a book,
But knowledge where you cannot be a crook.
Money can buy you an education,
But not a brain that full is of determination.

Much Love and Many Blessings,


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