Follow the Son

The sunflower is one of the most gorgeous flowers in the world. I always liked them, but I wasn’t interested in them until 2017. The sunflowers means adoration – a deep love for someone or something, loyalty – sticking with someone or something through it all and longevity – staying around for a long time. I want all three elements of the sunflower to be a reflection of my life. As you can see, I have a picture of a sunflower at the top of my blog and the top of this paragraph. A significant part of the sunflower is they are named after the sun the flower is extraordinary in that way can give energy in the form of food, and provide dynamic quality traits which reflect the sun and the energy that is supplied by

Its warmth and light. Sunflower is known as happy flowers, making them an excellent gift to give joy to someone’s day or your day. The sunflower is always following the sun where the sun goes the flower goes it doesn’t follow anyone else. We can apply that to our Christian life to always follow Jesus. Whoever you follow affects your life we follow Jesus; he affects our lives; this is shown in our actions, especially if they are right. There is no need to follow anyone else because he knows the way he is the way ( John 14:6). Let’s be like the sunflower following the son once we do that we will always reach our destination.


Much Love and Many Blessings,


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